Tag: Life
Dogs For U (DFU) is a not for profit animal welfare organisation dedicated to saving and improving the lives of homeless dogs in Mallorca. We focus mainly on dogs who have little chance of being adopted from municipal or private pounds: larger breeds and mixed breeds, especially German Shepherds, and also sick or older animals who would otherwise have no hope. Our aim is to find every dog in our care a forever home, where they will be treated with the respect, love and dignity they deserve.
Foods for today and the future - an invitation to experience healing and health enhancing plant life from the Amazon Rainforest, the plains of South America, Africa and beyond...
For more Information contact Therese von Holstein-Rathlou Author of Gorilla Grub & Ape Chow Palma de Mallorca 07015 Spain
Life-Coaching: What are my passions, how to live them, reaching out. Positive Psychological Coaching: Sorting out unresolved trauma's. Reconditioning of your past educational standards and upbringing. Spiritual healing and guidance, reconnecting to your soul. "The Secret" and more about the power of attraction. "Living in the Now" and how to get there and live it. Sessions in English German or Dutch
Nutritional therapy services and laboratory testing. We are dedicated to helping you achieve maximum health and vitality. Tailored dietary programmes are designed for each client so that you can reach your goals as quickly as possible. Who can benefit? Everyone! If you have a chronic illness or would simply like to put a spring in your step we can help you get to where you want to be.
OS Safety Equipment SL - Safety Equipment - Palma de Mallorca 07007 Spain -
Marine Safety Products - Liferaft Servicing - Fire Fighting Appliances
One-Way Liferaft Rental with Premium Liferaft Services
Main Agents Aquapro Boats - CATEF
Werner Holthöfer - Poligono Ca'n Valero Palma de Mallorca 07011 Spain
Liferaft Sales and Repairs and Certification
Life- and Business-Coach in Meridian Energy Techniques. Seminars for individuals and institutions (University in Germany) in Energy Psychology. Individual Intensive Coachings and Workshops in Mallorca, Germany and the U.S.
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